

Pieces capture by making a diagonal jump in the direction of their marked corners

The 3-0 piece cannot be captured

NXS pieces have some of their corners marked with bold lines. These lines represent an attack direction. In NXS: Man-o-War, the bold lines are represented by cannons. The two images below both represent the same type of piece (the 4-2s / Brig).


Pieces capture in the direction of their marked corners (cannons) by making a short diagonal jump. In the illustration below, the white piece could capture an enemy piece in either red hex. The captured piece is removed from the board and replaced with the capturing piece. The capturing piece maintains its orientation (do not rotate pieces when capturing).

3-0     The 3-0 (Merchant) piece does not have any bold lines (cannons), therefore it cannot capture. However, it cannot be captured. It is invincible.
In NXS: Man-o-War the Merchant piece has barrels instead of cannon ball piles to help identify it.


You cannot jump over an enemy piece to capture

You can block your opponent from capturing your pieces. Consider the illustration below; the black piece in the center of the board has the option of capturing any of the four white pieces (marked in red).


Now let's look at the same piece in an actual game situation. In the image below, the piece in the hex marked (a) can only capture the pieces in the red hexes. The pieces in the pink hexes are blocked from capture. That is because the piece marked (a) would have to jump over an enemy piece (b) in order to capture, and that is an illegal move.


Learn how to rotate.