

Territory is captured by occupying an enemy hex,

By having an unbroken line between your piece in enemy territory and your board edge,

Or by having an unbroken line between two pieces in enemy territory.

Captured spaces are only counted once

The object of NXS is to capture enemy territory. Territory can be captured in one of three ways. The first is just by occupying the enemy board with one of your pieces. In the example below, black has captured one space of white's territory just by having a piece on white's board (a).


Below, you can see that black's piece (a) has moved farther into white's territory. Because it has an unbroken line to the black border, black captures all of the spaces marked in green.

Note that the white piece (d) sitting in black's territory has no effect on the white territory black is capturing. Territory capture is to the edge of your board.


In the following image, white has moved its piece (c) in the way. Black no longer has an unbroken line to the black border. Black now has only one space captured (just by occupying it).


Next, black moves a second piece (b) onto white's board. Because it has an unbroken line between the two pieces, (a) and (b), all of the territory in between is captured. Black also captures the territory between (b) and the black border. Black has a total of seven spaces of white's territory.


White then moves its piece (c) in between the two black pieces. Black no longer has an unbroken line between (a) and (b), but it has regained the territory between (a) and the black border. Black now has six spaces of white's territory.


Want a deeper look at territory capture? Click here.

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