
Sequence of Play

You must do one of the following during your turn

Move a piece (a capture counts as a move), then rotate a piece

After your move, you must rotate a single piece. It can be the same piece you just moved.

Optional Advanced Rule: Rotate two pieces

If you do not wish to move a piece, you must rotate two pieces. You cannot rotate the same piece twice. You may not do this more than one turn in a row.

Optional Advanced Rule: Rotate your board

Instead of either of the above, you may rotate your board by one facing (60°) clockwise or counterclockwise.

Rotate Board


How do you win the game?

Game play continues until a player captures at least the minimum number of enemy spaces required to win the game. The winning player must announce that they have a "nexus".

a connection or series of connections linking two or more things

It is illegal to move in such a way that you give your opponent enough territory to win, except:

Close call victory

If moving one of your pieces will give your opponent the requisite number of spaces to win, but will also give you more territory than your opponent, you still win the game.

Example: Moving your piece gives your opponent 10 spaces, but also gives you 11 or more. You win the game in a close call.

Rare game endings

No legal moves: If a player cannot make a legal move, they lose the game.

Stalemate: In the very unlikely event that both players can make legal moves, but neither has any way to capture enough territory to win the game; the player that has captured the most territory wins. If they have the same amount of territory, the player that has captured the most pieces wins. If they have both captured the same number of pieces, the game is a draw.

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